Saturday, April 15, 2006

ill-fitting shorts are the new fannypack-and-moustache

Date: 4/15/06
Show: Tarantula Hill benefit at Ex-Nihilist
Price: Donation
Things I missed to be there:Second Fridays in Pilsen, Thymme Jones at South Union Arts, Radiant Darling at Bar Vertigo

Noise is a hard sell on the first warm warm Friday of the year. Despite the fact that over ten bands were scheduled to perform (about half actually did), it was a modest crowd at the former Nihilist combo. As per usual, I missed a few bands at the beginning and end. Here's what I saw.

Insect Deli sounded like she was trying to put together a broken rave and she didn't have the right glue. Forget everything I've ever said about not enjoying people fiddling with boxes, she does it right. I highly recommend listening to her new album.

Warmth was building up to something that never really happened.

Rubber Spunky sounded like two spaceships fucking in the jungle.

Pommel "sounds like Fantomas covering the score from the WPWR Power 50 Sunday afternoon mystery movie" would be a great example, except for the fact that Fantomas did something like that, and it sounded nothing like this.

Panicsville finally fixed that rave Insect Deli was fiddling with. Then he played it backwards. Then he slowed it down. Then he smashed it against Billy Side's face. The two minute set was well worth the seven month wait.

also, Rotten Milk was tweaking booty jams on his laptop in a way I dug. I left before headliner Bloodyminded started because the beach was calling to me and I couldn't be inside no more.

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