Friday, March 23, 2007

side A side B side ZRD

Once again I dig into the old WZRD cassette vault. Many of these recordings represent the experimental tape trading scene of the 1980s. The rest represents self-released tapes, demos, and the material of a number of local punk and underground bands who never recorded on any other medium.

1. End Result - "Unreleased Stuff" - Side A
Devil Dog
Love Canal
She Devils
Cinderella's Prescription

(old Chicago experimental punk, read a little about them here)

2. Zendik Farm Band - "The Loser" - Side A

(appparently the hippie-punk kids who bug you at outdoor shows with their "Stop bitching, Start A Revolution" stickers hada pretty decent noise outfit going for a while.)

3. Tribe - "Drift" - Side B
Hipster Saint

4. Quaker Youth - "Quaker Youth Ensemble"
Love Junky

5. La Loca - "You Should Only Give Head to Guys You Really Like & Dragon Man"
Why I Only Choose Black Men For My Lovers

(awesome sex poetry from California, with fun effects tweaking)

6. Eh3 - "Eh?85" - Side B
Human Evolution/ You Are Terrific!
Rasta Duckwalk
Rasta Quickstep
High Velocity
Sea Hunt Reprise

(early 80s electronic tape trader shit. maybe my favorite stuff of the show)

7. Insect Deli - Unlabeled cassette

(actualy it was kinda labeled... the name Insect Deli was scratched into the side, but that's it. This is probably a No Sides Records release)

8. "What Is Truth? Vol. 3"
Proof of Utah - ???
Scott Marshall - ???
Illusion of Safety - ???
Legendary Pink Dots - ???
Sebastian Gandera - ???

9. A/Noyz - "Tale of theBroken Mirror"
Death March
Hail Mary

10. "Home-Made Music Volume 2" - Side A
Psyclones - Ashtrays
Dead Heat - Passage to Moscow
Der Akteur - Excerpt from Crystal
F/I - Fetish
Masakai - Beyond the Edge
Architects Office - Bunjiji Pertabation
Deficit Des Annees Anterieures - LaDerniere Saison
Gai Saber - The Killer Song
Viscera - IDBM
The Starkman - Loopy Loo
Polar Praxis - Promenade (Part IV)
Neo Zelanda - No Digas Nada
Bunny & Breaker - Either Way...?
Nun - Orgonica

[Let's watch an old End Result performance while we're at it!]

1 comment:

A/Noyz said...

A/Noyz - "Tale of the Broken Mirror" has been reissued June 2013. It is available for download on,, and Itunes.A/Noyz also has a page on Fabebook. WZRD will also be receiving a copy of the CD as they were the ones that debuted the recording in 1988.
Father Bob - A/Noyz