Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Way a Masquerade Ball Goes Down in the Community of the Future

Date: 6/30/07
Location: Intercourse
Bands: Mister Fuckhead and Friends, Dan Layne, Eavil, Spunky Toofers, Neues Musiker-Kollektiv, Sir Vixx and more
Price: $8 suggested
Drinks: BYO / $1 cans of crap
Things I missed to be there: El Zocalo Urbano 2 Year Anniversary with Maintenance Crew, Ultratumbados, Eske, Condenada, Scheme, Jam One and more; Underground Existence with Gabe Polomo and Matt Main; Pearls Mahone & the One Eyed Jacks at the Mutiny; Lord of the Yum Yum and Oh My God at Schubas
Reason I went: Wasn't sure how late the Urbano Jam was going, wanted to do both, started late

"Does anyone like videogames?"

An awkward cheer rises up from the crowd, emotionless, like a person trying to be encouraging without dropping their posture, multiplied until it's a crowd. There were some real cool motherfuckers at the show tonight, but there was some family too.

"Good, cause that's all I write songs about."

Neues Musiker-Kollektiv, better known as Mike Perkins (or that dude from Far Rad), runs back and forth into the crowd like the "Near/Far" song from Sesame Street, if it were set in Blade Runner. Dan Layne is filming everything, feeding it into his computer, and projecting it out as some soret of wonky digital kaleidoscope. As Mike resets one of the machines in the corner, he asks us if we'd rather hear a song about the videogame Paperboy, or the movie Total Recall.

Mike Perkins as Benny: I got four kids to feed
Mike Perkins as Arnold Schwarzenegger: So what happened to number five?
Mike Perkins as Benny: Aw, shit, man! You got me. I ain't even married. Now put your fuckin' hands in the air!
[electronic breakdown]
Audience Member 1: What the fuck?
Audience member 2: I have no fuckin idea.
Mike Perkins as Arnold Schwarzenegger: Get in the fucking helicopter now!

Hoggle comes up next. Goofy clothes. Grotesque rubber mask. Writhing around on the floor. In a room full of people who've seen the way Hoggle acts at parties, no one knows he's performing until he starts rapping and climbing a man he wil later introduce to us as George W.

Later, as Spunky Toofers is crawling around on his hands and knees, looping from one broken toy to the next, I hear Hoggle and George W share this heartwarming exchange.

George W: I've known this motherfucker for ever...
Hoggle: Seventeen lifetimes, we were vikings together.
George W: We've done everything but grow up together as kids.
Hoggle: In the next life, man. In the next life.

Like I said, a lot of posturing, but a lot of family too.

Eavil doing Chic A Go Go

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