Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Date: 8/6/07
Location: Empty Bottle
Bands: Permanent Midnight, Skarekrau Radio
Cost: FREE!
Drinks: $1.25 PBR
Things I missed to be there: Nightfoxxx, Protman and the Start at the Note; helping an old friend nurse legal system wounds at Delilah's
Reason for going: The price + the way some of my friends swoon whenever they talk about Skarekrau Radio

"This song's about an Alfred Hitchcock Movie. It doesn't matter which one."

I was talking about bands with this guy on a bus one time and he described Permanent Midnight as "a Bloodyminded cover band featuring everyone who's ever played with Bloodyminded."

I can't think of an apt-er description. The band featured members of Panicsville, The Coughs, Carpet of Sexy and a couple dozen other bands crowded around a table full of electronics. Every now and then, one of the people standing at the table would switch places with the person holding the microphone, announce something like "This song is called 'Hotdog stuck in a teenage girl's vagina... actually it isn't stuck but it's in there pretty good'" and then slam into the audience for somewhere between six and ninety seconds of tuneless, electronic hardcore.

Skarekrau Radio was a little harder to peg. There wasn't really anything special about them, as far as the noiise/experimental/whatever scene they roll in. Ten plus people. Homemade costumes. a naked guy. They were pretty much doing the bizzarro world jam band thing that midwesterners like Cave, Fuck 911, and Warhammer 48k and big time money makers like Acid Mothers Temple and Animal Collective do a lot of. The result is kind of like psychedelic tribal dance music. You can get a similar sound out of acts like Konono No. 1 and Waterbabies, but the difference is that they have a much more electronic sound.

[Here's a video of Skarekrau Radio doing their thing; all pictures above are of Skarekrau Radio, even when I'm talking about Permanent Midnight]

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