Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm Not Dead, the Shows this week just haven't Gotten Me Off [WZRD]*****

A week of new music and old radio

Ovo - CoCo
Aids Wolf Vs. Athletic Automaton - ???
Aleks & the Drummer - Eye to Eye

The Hour of Slack - Old School ridiculousness, put out by The Church of the Subgenius foundation back in 1988. Absurd conspiracy theory, avant gard sound collages, and underground hip hop.

Plok - Uberclass
Metalux & John Wiese - ???
BiG A little a - ???

Sounds from Chicago - Four works for radio by performance artists, curated by Iris Moore. A lot of good stuff that sounds just like the title implies it would.

Diskaholics - Live in Japan, Vol. 1


*****Actually that's not true. Just this Wednesday at the Spot 6 show, I got to see Yeabig + Kidstatic.

The mismatched duo kicked some goofy hyperactive electro-rap that would make them a shoe-in for the MF Doom role on the city's indie/party rap scene, if they ever hooked up with Vyle and Floss.

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